
Employment and Income Assistance

Submitting Documents

How do I apply?

If you live in the City of Winnipeg to begin your application:

  1. Call 204-948-4000. If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing, call 1-800-855-0511 (Manitoba Relay Service);

  2. Or

  3. Visit in-person at the 111 Rorie Street office. If you have children or require accessibility services, we will be pleased to help you at 128 Market Avenue. You will be seen on a first come, first served basis. We may not be able to start your application if you arrive after 3:00 p.m.

If you live outside Winnipeg:

  1. Call toll free 1-855-944-8111 to book an appointment. If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing, call 1-800-855-0511 (Manitoba Relay Service);

  2. Or

  3. Visit in-person at your local Regional Social Services office (outside of Winnipeg). See a list of offices in Rural and Northern Manitoba at: mb.tr.jit-tr.com/fs/misc/loc/ruralnorthern.html

The Employment and Income Assistance Program (EIA) provides financial help to Manitobans who have no other way to support themselves or their families. This includes benefits from the Rent Assist Program that helps with housing costs. For people who are able to work, EIA will help them go back to work by providing supports to employment.

For more program information click on one of the following EIA categories:


EIA provides benefits (money) to help you with the costs of things like:

  • food, clothing, personal and household needs, basic dental, optical and prescription drugs, health-related supplies or equipment not provided by other programs
  • requests for these items are reviewed by the Disability and Health Supports Unit
  • supports to help you find and start a job

EIA provides additional benefits to cover extra costs for people living in remote or northern regions of Manitoba.

Rent Assist provides EIA recipients with benefits to help with their shelter and utility costs. Learn more about Rent Assist.

For more information on EIA benefits, please look at the EIA brochure that fits your household situation.


You must live in Manitoba and be in financial need.

You may be eligible for assistance if the total cost of your or your family’s monthly basic needs and housing costs are more than your total financial resources. Your financial resources are based on your income and assets. Some of your income and assets may not affect your eligibility.

The amount of your or your family’s basic needs are based on:

  • the number of people in your family, their ages and relationships to each other
  • the EIA basic allowance rate for your family size
  • the cost of some of your ongoing health needs

For more information on EIA and Rent Assist eligibility and benefits that you may receive, please look at the EIA brochure that best fits your household situation.

People who are married, or who live as common-law couples need to apply for EIA together. Please read the Married or Common-law brochure to know if you are living in a common-law relationship.

If you have an outstanding warrant for certain serious offences (see Schedule C of The Assistance Regulation for a list) your application for EIA may be affected. Read the Married or Common-law brochure for more information on how your application for EIA may be affected. Read the Married or Common-law brochure for more information on the EIA Outstanding Warrants policy.

If you have recently quit, were fired, or refused a job without a good reason or just cause, your application for EIA may be affected. Please read the Reasons for leaving or refusing a job brochure for more information on what you need to do if this situation applies to you.

Contact Employment and Income Assistance
