
The Manitoba government is committed to open and fair tendering practices. Government tenders that exceed trade agreement thresholds are advertised and distributed by MERX - electronic tendering service. MERX provides vendors with a low-cost, easily accessible way of reviewing and obtaining government tenders..

MERX is a nation-wide tendering system owned and operated by Mediagrif, a Montreal-based company. Contact MERX or search for tender opportunities at:

www.merx.com or phone 1-800-964-6379

For more information on government purchasing policies and practices contact the Procurement Services Branch at their website.

All Manitoba Infrastructure tenders for the construction and maintenance of highways, bridges, water control infrastructure, ferries and airports as well as related goods and services (including professional services) can be found on www.merx.com. For more information or support documents related to Manitoba Infrastructure contracts, please visit MI's Contract Services Branch.

For more information on Manitoba Finance - Accommodation Service Division visit //mb.tr.jit-tr.com/finance/accomm/doing_business_with_asd.html.

Information on Crown land for sale or lease can be found on the Real Estate Services Division website.