HOUSE INDEX - 1st Session - 38th Legislature

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


House Index - 1st-38th



CAIS. See Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization

Caldwell, Hon. Drew (Brandon East) N.D.P.

Aboriginal child and family services

Board members, 1231

Transition, 1080-1082, 1177

Affordable Housing Initiative, 1073

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, 43

Families, impact on, 67-68, 153-154, 397-398, 1082-1084

Building Independence initiative, 1072-1073

Child and family services system, 1074-1075

Children in care, 1174-1175

Child care programs, 1075, 1150

Child prostitution, reduction strategy, 1176-1177

Children's Advocate, 1080

Resources, 1173-1174

Council on Post-Secondary Education, annual report tabling, 1435

Disabilities Issues Office, role/mandate, 1078

Disabilities, persons with, services for, 1073-1074

Family Services and Housing Department

Estimates debate, 1070-1085, 1169-1181, 1231-1232

Annual report tabling, 1435

Information tabling, 1231

Initiatives, 1071-1076

Staffing, 1077

Supplementary information tabling (2003-2004), 247

Gateway Resources, per diems, 1177-1178

Gilbert Park, management of, 1171-1172

Healthy Child Manitoba, 1075

Annual report tabling, 1435

Family Services Department, role of, 1084-1085

Housing, low-income, 1172

Income Assistance, National Child Benefit, 1072

Intoxicated youth, holding facility, 1079-1080

Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation

Portfolio, 1179-1180

Qualico agreement, 1170

Reserve fund, 1085-1086

Vacancy rate, 1180

M�tis child and family services

Board members, 1231

Transition, 1080-1082, 1177

National Child Benefit, 1072

Neighbourhood Housing Assistance program, 1073

Neighbourhoods Alive!, Family Services Department, role of, 1085

Oak Tree Towers, senior facility, 1181

Oral Questions

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, families, impact on, 67-68, 153-154, 397-398

Child care programs, government initiatives, 1150

Respite services, resources, 1078

Rolling Dale Enterprises Inc., 1079

Rural hospitals, closure of

Matters of Urgent Public Importance, 643-645

Shelter Allowances for Family Renters, 1171

Social Planning Council, 1079

Social Services Appeal Board, annual report tabling, 1435

Social services, integrated service delivery, 1076

University of Manitoba, annual report tabling, 1435

Zelana Towers, rent arrears, 1180-1181

Canada Foodgrains Bank

Taillieu, 544-545

Canada-Manitoba Business Service Centre

Mihychuk, 598

Canada/Manitoba Economic Development Partnership Agreement

Annual report tabling

Wowchuk, 1435

Canada/Manitoba Infrastructure Program

Annual report tabling

Wowchuk, 1435

Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization

Maguire, 1404

Penner, 1405

Wowchuk, 1404-1405

Canadian Centre for Disease Control

Gerrard, 1490, 1493

Canadian Dimension magazine

Maloway, 1446-1447

Canadian Fly Fishing Championships

Derkach, 545-546

Robinson, 956

Canadian Forces firefighters

Korzeniowski, 546

Canadian Health and Social Transfer

Ceiling on

Loewen, 708

Selinger, 708-7-9


Doer, 234-235

Murray, 234


Gerrard, 1335-1336

Selinger, 1335-1336

CanAmera Foods

Penner, 929

Capital Investment


Debate, 1235-1236

Capital Region

Review (See also Thomas commission)

Reimer, 1015-1016

Wowchuk, 1015-1016

Subdivisions, approval of

Reimer, 1019

Wowchuk, 1019

Cardiac care program. See also Koshal report

Consolidation of services

Chomiak, 89

Driedger, 89

Patient deaths

Chomiak, 86-88, 90-94

Driedger, 85-88, 90-94

Patient safety

Chomiak, 165

Driedger, 165

Physician resources

Chomiak, 95-96, 98

Driedger, 95-96, 97-98

Surgery bumping

Chomiak, 88-89

Driedger, 88-89

Casinos. See Aboriginal casinos

Casinos (Winnipeg)

Doer, 316-317

Murray, 316-317

CAT scans

Availability (Brandon)

Chomiak, 289

Lamoureux, 289

CEDF. See Communities Economic Development Fund

Chartier report


Loewen, 489

Selinger, 489-490

Chief Peguis Bridge


Doer, 318-319

Mitchelson, 317-318

Child and family services system. See also Aboriginal child and family services; M�tis child and family services

Children in care

Caldwell, 1174-1175

Rowat, 1174-1175

General comments

Caldwell, 1074-1075

Child care programs

General comments

Caldwell, 1075

Korzeniowski, 73

Government initiatives

Caldwell, 1150

Oswald, 1150

Child Exploitation Unit. See Winnipeg Police Services

Child pornography

Sentence lengths

Hawranik, 518, 1306-1308

Mackintosh, 518, 1306-1308

Child pornography trial


Goertzen, 880-881

Mackintosh, 880-881

Child prostitution

General comments

McGifford, 1066

Rowat, 1066

Reduction strategy

Caldwell, 1176-1177

Safe house

Rowat, 1176

Children's Advocate

General comments

Caldwell, 1080

Rowat, 1080


Caldwell, 1173-1174

Rowat, 1173-1174

Children's car seats

Safety concerns

Faurschou, 1269-1271

Selinger, 1269-1271

Chomiak, Hon. Dave (Kildonan) N.D.P.

Ambulance service, rural, dispatching, 261

Assiniboine Regional Health Authority

Board appointments, 271-272

Governance structure, 280-281

Performance deliverables, 1406

Physician recruitment, 1407-1408

Review, 626, 1357-1362, 1372-1373

Strategic plan, 1406-1407, 1412

Assiniboine Regional Health Authority, review, 626, 1357-1362, 1372-1373

Boundary Trails health care facility, 401

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Cash advance for producers, 541-542, 723

Families, impact on, 398

Cardiac care program

Consolidation of services, 89

Patient deaths, 86-88, 90-94

Patient safety, 165

Physician resources, 95-96, 98

Surgery bumping, 88-89

CAT scans, availability (Brandon), 289

Crime rate, provincial comparisons, 1437, 1485

Dedi, Rick

Responsibilities of, 77-78, 164, 344

Salary justification, 1487

Deloitte & Touche report, 410

Diabetes, prevention and early treatment programs, 285

Diagnostic and Medical Equipment Fund, 176

Diagnostic testing

Delays in receiving results, 259

Waiting lists, 352-353

Eating disorders, treatment programs, 407-408

Emerson health care facility, 1416-1417

Erikson Hospital

Closure, 264-270

Emergency services, 1355-1356

Future status, 285-286, 1414-1416

Physician resources, 1412-1413

Farm and Rural Stress Line, resources, 335-336

Halfway houses, interprovincial transfers of offenders, 1437-1438

Harland, Scott, employment status, 80

Health access centres

Funding, 189-190

Strategic plan, 413-414

Health care system

Access to care, 415-417

Federal funding, 174-189

Medical errors, 412-413

Patient transportation costs, 1413-1414

Research, 283

Health Department

Estimates debate, 74-102, 163-194, 258-290, 335-353, 401-417

Annual report availability, 75

Employment statistics, 80-84

Employment vacancy rate, 80

Salaries and benefits, 344-345

Staffing, 163

Staffingintake co-ordinator, 80

Supplementary information tabling (2003-2004), 59

Health inspectors, jurisdiction, 412

Health Links program, 289

Health Reform Fund, 176

Catastrophic drugs, 282-283

Government goals, 281-282


Capital debt, 415

Food services, 1409

Infections acquired in, 410-411

Hospitals, rural closures, 262-264, 272-273, 1414

Immigration, professional credentials, recognition of, 287-288

Infections, hospital-acquired, 410-411

Internet pharmacies, government position, 351-352

Joint Nursing Council, 337-342, 345-346

Koshal report, 1409-1411

Costs of, 165

Implementation costs, 98-99

Implementation timeline, 99-100, 286-287

Recommendations, 85-86, 165-170

Terms of reference, 100-101

The Maples Surgical Centre, Workers Compensation cases, 1438-1439

Mazankowski report, 79

Mental health care, 408

Government priorities, 79

Patient advocate, 408

Misericordia Health Centre, personal care facilities, 404

Murray, Bev Ann, responsibilities of, 342-343

Neepawa Hospital, chemotherapy area, 274

Neurosurgery, gamma knife equipment funding, 189

North Eastman Health Association

Accountability, 261

Per-capita funding, 259

Nursing profession

Accelerated nursing program, elimination of, 1298-1299

Demographics, 346-347

Education and training programs, 336-338

Full-time employment opportunities, 1213-1214

Licensed Practical Nurse programs, 404-405

Reassignments, 1362-1364

Shortages, 96-97, 287-288, 1297-1298

Obstetric services, 290, 1423-1424

Oral Questions

Assiniboine Regional Health Authority, review, 626, 1372-1373

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Cash advance for producers, 541-542, 723

Families, impact on, 398

Crime rate, provincial comparisons, 1437, 1485

Dedi, Rick, salary justification, 1487

Halfway houses, interprovincial transfers of offenders, 1437-1438

The Maples Surgical Centre, Workers Compensation cases, 1438-1439

Nursing profession

Accelerated nursing program, elimination of, 1298-1299

Full-time employment opportunities, 1213-1214

Shortages, 1297-1298

Pan Am Clinic, Workers Compensation cases, 1482-1483

Physician resources, rural Manitoba, 543, 624-625, 723-724

Regional health authorities, administrative costs, 1371

Rural hospitals, closure of, 621-624, 625-626

Selkirk Mental Health Centre, redevelopment, 884

Pan Am Clinic, Workers Compensation cases, 1482-1483

Personal care homes, 403

Pharmacare, deductibles, 404

Pharmacists, shortage of, 352

Physician profiles, 412

Physician resources

Demographics, 347-348

Foreign recruitment, 350

Out-of-province physicians, 97

Recruitment (Manitou), 402

Recruitment (Wawanesa), 1411

Rural Manitoba, 543, 624-625, 723-724

Pinawa Hospital, capital projects, 259

Primary Health Care Transition Fund, 176, 282

Psychiatrists, shortage of, 409

Regional health authorities

Administrative costs, 1371

Deficits, 190-194

Ministerial responsibility, 75

Performance standards, 284-285

Relationship with Health minister, 172-173

Review, 275-276, 277-280

Rivers Hospital, status of, 270

Rural and Northern Health Office, 1356-1357

Rural hospitals, closure of, 621-624, 625-626, 1353-1355

Matters of Urgent Public Importance, 638-641

Selkirk Mental Health Centre

Capital projects, 408

Redevelopment, 884

Seniors' housing, assisted living centres, 259

Smoking ban, health inspectors, 286

Stretcher services, rural Manitoba, 1413-1414

Tabor Home, expansion, 402

Thomas commission, recommendations, 75-76

University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine admission criteria, 349

Urinary incontinence, TVT surgical procedure, 409

Wawanesa Hospital

Nurses' grievances, 276-277

Operating costs, 272

Physician recruitment, 271, 1411

Physician resignations, 276

CHST. See Canadian Health and Social Transfer

Churchill Gateway Development Initiative

Smith, 805-806

Churchill Town Centre

Smith, 806

City of Winnipeg Act


Reimer, 1017

Wowchuk, 1017

Civil Legal Services

Annual Report tabling

Mackintosh, 247

Civil Remedies Against Organized Crime Act

Charges laid

Hawranik, 512

Mackintosh, 512

General comments

Hawranik, 1306

Mackintosh, 1306

Civil service

Voluntary reduced workweek

Maguire, 937, 1007

Smith, 937

Wowchuk, 1007

Civil Service Commission


Debate, 1238

Annual report tabling

Selinger, 1434

Supplementary information tabling (2003-2004)

Selinger, 151

Claire, Kim

McGifford, 1060

Collège de Saint-Boniface

Auditor-General's review

McGifford, 1035-1037

Mitchelson, 1035-1037


McGifford, 1037-1038

Mitchelson, 1037-1038

College Expansion Initiative

Labour market needs

McGifford, 967-968

Mitchelson, 967-968

Committee of Supply. See also Estimates

Committee report, 1253-1267

Concurrence motion, 1267-1289, 1305-1336, 1337-1364, 1379-1432

Interim Supply, 730-759

Communities Economic Development Fund

Board membership

Hawranik, 802

Lathlin, 802

Fishery loans

Hawranik, 802

Lathlin, 802

Quarterly report tabling

Lathlin, 718

Community Support Programs

Annual report tabling

Robinson, 1435

Companies Office

Annual report tabling

Selinger, 1367


Internal audits

Loewen, 596

Selinger, 596, 686

Conawapa dam

Memorandum of understanding (Ontario)

Ashton, 1110-1111

Gerrard, 1110


Doer, 237-238

Murray, 237

Condolences. See Motions of Condolence

Conservation Department


Debate, 1085-1114


Ashton, 1085-1113

Dyck, 1101-1103

Faurschou, 1103-1105

Gerrard, 1110-1112

Goertzen, 1089-1095, 1097-1100, 1105-1109

Penner, 1112

Schuler, 1095-1097

Annual report tabling

Ashton, 1434


Ashton, 1086-1089

Natural Resource Officers

Ashton, 1105

Goertzen, 1105

Natural Resources emergency number

Ashton, 1326-1327

Goertzen, 1325-1326


Ashton, 1091, 1330

Cummings, 1330

Goertzen, 1091

Supplementary information tabling (2003-2004)

Ashton, 247

Conservation Districts of Manitoba

Annual report tabling

Wowchuk, 1367

General comments

Penner, 1009

Wowchuk, 1009

Conservation Minister

Responses to concerns

Ashton, 1325-1326

Goertzen, 1325-1326

Consumers' Bureau

Federal regulations

Faurschou, 1269-1271

Selinger, 1269-1271

Co-operative Loans and Loans Guarantee Board

Annual report tabling

Wowchuk, 1435

General comments

Eichler, 847

Mihychuk, 847

Corporate taxes


Loewen, 1332

Selinger, 1332

Correctional facilities. See also Portage Correctional Institution


Faurschou, 440-441

Mackintosh, 440-441

Cottage lots

Allocation of

Ashton, 1110

Gerrard, 1110

Council on Post-Secondary Education

Annual report tabling

Caldwell, 1435

Courthouse (Fort Garry)

Alternate usage

Hawranik, 516-517

Mackintosh, 516-517

Cram, Dr. David. See Assiniboine Regional Health Authority, review

Cranberry Portage anniversary

Jennissen, 161

Crime rate

Provincial comparisons

Chomiak, 1437, 1485

Hawranik, 1437, 1485

Crop insurance. See also Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation

Premium increase

Penner, 119, 122

Wowchuk, 119, 122

Crown attorneys

Appeals unit

Hawranik, 448

Mackintosh, 448

Case load

Hawranik, 448-451

Mackintosh, 448-451

Ernst & Young report

Hawranik, 447

Mackintosh, 447

Plea bargaining

Hawranik, 446-448

Mackintosh, 446-448

Salary increase

Hawranik, 443

Mackintosh, 443

Sentencing, policy and direction on

Hawranik, 512-515

Mackintosh, 512-515


Hawranik, 443-445

Mackintosh, 444-446

Crown corporations

Fixed assets, depreciation of

Faurschou, 586-587

Selinger, 586-587

Crown Corporations, Standing Committee on. See also Crown Corporations Committee index

1st report tabling

Reid, 1366-1367

Crown lands. See also Cottage lots

Report release

Ashton, 542

Gerrard, 542

Report tabling

Selinger, 535

Trailer park (Bissett)

Hawranik, 793

Lathlin, 793

Usage policy, review of

Doer, 321-322

Gerrard, 321-322

Cultural organizations


Reimer, 953

Robinson, 953

Culture, Heritage and Tourism Department


Debate, 945-955


Reimer, 945-954

Robinson, 945-954

Annual report tabling

Robinson, 1435

Human Resource Services

Reimer, 948

Robinson, 948


Reimer, 949

Robinson, 949

Supplementary information tabling (2003-2004)

Robinson, 151

Cummings, Glen (Ste. Rose) P.C.

Agricultural Policy Framework, 749-750

Agriculture and Food Department, estimates debate, 420-422

Agriculture and Food Minister, resignation request, 539

Assiniboine Regional Health Authority, governance structure, 280-281

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Agricultural Policy Framework, 878

Assistance programs, 745-750, 1385-1387

Cash advance for producers, 64-65, 160, 389-391, 539, 878-879

Exportsborder opening, 1388

Matter of Grievance, 1162-1164

Matter of Urgent Public Importance, 39-41

Conservation Department, staffing, 1330

Education and Youth Department, estimates debate, 1135, 1139, 1195-1207

Elk industry, tuberculosis control, 420-422

Executive Council, estimates debate, 138-141

Health Department, estimates debate, 273-281

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

No-fault compensation review, 1322

Rate reserve fund, 1322

McGregor, Donald Morris, motion of condolence for, 1512-1513

Neepawa Hospital, chemotherapy area, 273-274

Oral Questions

Agriculture and Food Minister, resignation request, 539

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Agricultural Policy Framework, 878

Cash advance for producers, 64-65, 389-391, 539, 878-879

Sunrise School Division, labour dispute, 1050, 1146

RCMP, staffing complement, 1318-1321

Rural hospitals, closure of

Matters of Urgent Public Importance, 655-656

September 11 terrorist attacks, 389

Shoemaker, Nelson, motion of condolence for, 1501-1502

Sunrise School Division, labour dispute, 1046, 1050, 1135, 1139, 1146, 1195-1207, 1281-1282, 1284

Water Services Board, drought assistance, 1404

Curtis, Charles E.

Order of Manitoba recipient

Irvin-Ross, 887-888



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