HOUSE INDEX - 1st Session - 38th Legislature
Legislative Assembly Officers & Staff
Members of the Legislative Assembly
Standing & Special
Committee Chairpersons
Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat
Agencies funded by
Lathlin, 786
Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Department
Debate, 785-803
Hawranik, 788-803
Lathlin, 785-803
Supplementary information tabling (2003-2004)
Lathlin, 59
Annual report tabling
Lathlin, 1435
Aboriginal casinos
Doer, 314-316
Aboriginal child and family services
Board members
General comments
Lathlin, 786
Aboriginal Economic Resource Development Fund
Lathlin, 786
Aboriginal Education Directorate
Aboriginal hunting rights
Priority allocation rights
Ashton, 1093-1095
Goertzen, 1093-1095
Adjournment motion
Mackintosh, 57
Advanced Education and Training Department
Mitchelson, 961-969, 1021-1039
Hydro Initiative
McGifford, 1021-1029
Mitchelson, 1021-1029
Policy and Planning
McGifford, 963-964
Mitchelson, 963-964
Supplementary information tabling (2003-2004)
McGifford, 59
Advancing Age strategy
McGifford, 957
Advisory Council on the Status of Women
General comments
McGifford, 1060-1061
Lamoureux, 1069
Rowat, 1063
McGifford, 1062-1063
Rowat, 1062
Aerospace industry
Mihychuk, 597
Affordable Housing Initiative
Faurschou, 1272-1273
Selinger, 1273
Faurschou, 844
Smith, 844
Aglugub, Cris (The Maples) N.D.P.
Sarb Sanjha Dashmesh Tournament, 545
Agricultural Policy Framework. See also Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
Advantages of
Penner, 211-216
Wowchuk, 212-216
Bilateral agreements
Penner, 427
Cash advances
Gerrard, 158-159
Wowchuk, 158-159
Criteria for compensation
Penner, 1148
Wowchuk, 1148
Flow of funds
Penner, 290-291
Wowchuk, 290-291
General comments
Cummings, 749-750
Penner, 750
Selinger, 750
Wowchuk, 104
Premiums, costs of
Penner, 1148
Wowchuk, 1148
Signing of
Penner, 116-118
Wowchuk, 116-118
Agriculture and Food Department
Debate, 103-124, 194-218, 290-309, 353-372, 419-434
Cummings, 420-422
Eichler, 361-363
Faurschou, 216-218
Goertzen, 431-432
Jha, 114
Maguire, 298-309
Nevakshonoff, 429-431
Penner, 105-124, 194-216, 290-298, 353-361, 364-372, 419, 422-424, 427-429
Wowchuk, 103-124, 194-218, 290-309, 353-372, 419-434
Annual report tabling
Wowchuk, 1435
Supplementary information tabling (2003-2004)
Wowchuk, 59-60
Agriculture and Food Minister
Misleading comments
Derkach, 534-535
Gerrard, 529-533
Mackintosh, 534
Resignation request
Cummings, 539
Goertzen, 72-73
Maguire, 66
Penner, 63-64, 158, 395, 538, 1294, 1376
Wowchuk, 64, 66, 395, 538-539, 539-540, 1294-1295
Air ambulance service
Smith, 806
Airports. See Northern airports
Allan, Nancy (
Interprovincial migration,
Maloway, 885-886
Altemeyer, Rob (Wolseley) N.D.P.
Alternative energy resources. See Ethanol production; Wind power
Ambulance service
Smith, 806
Ambulance service, rural. See also Stretcher
services, rural
Chomiak, 261
Goertzen, 260-261
General comments
Chomiak, 1418
Penner, 1418
APF. See Agricultural Policy Framework
Appropriation Act, 2003 (Main and Supplementary)
[Bill 5]
1R, Selinger, 1448
2R, Selinger, 1448
C/W, 1468
3R, 1469
R/A, Liba, 1476
Archaeological dig (Selkirk)
Martindale, 400-401
Art collection, government
Reimer, 954
Robinson, 954
Arthur V. Mauro student residence
Brick, 629-630
Arts Stabilization
Reimer, 953
Robinson, 953-954
Ashton, Hon. Steve (Thompson) N.D.P.
Aboriginal hunting rights, priority allocation rights, 1093-1095
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
Culling strategy, 396
Disposal of animals, 1323-1325
Environmental impact, 1323-1325
Matter of Urgent Public Importance, 46-48
Conawapa dam, memorandum of understanding (
Conservation Department
Estimates debate, 1085-1113
Annual report tabling, 1434
Initiatives, 1086-1089
Natural Resource Officers, 1105
Natural Resources emergency number, 1326-1327
Supplementary information tabling (2003-2004), 247
Conservation Minister, responses to concerns, 1325-1326
Cottage lots, allocation of, 1110
Crown lands, report release, 542
Dominion Tanners, government assistance, 397
Electronic equipment, disposal of, 1098-1100
Environmental levies, 1100
Firearms registration, 1097
Flooding (1997), outstanding lawsuits, 1110
Constituent concerns, 1331
Retention rates, 1188
J. R. Simplot plant, irrigation requirements, 1103-1105
Labour and Immigration Department
Estimates debate, 1181-1184, 1186-1194, 1239-1245
Annual report tabling, 1434
Deputy Minister, 1183
Supplementary information tabling (2003-2004), 535
Environmental recovery, 1048
Safe harbour, 1322-1323
Larters Golf Course, geese population, 1095-1097
Malinowski, Donald, motion of condolence for, 1495-1497
Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation, annual report tabling, 1292
Manitoba Hazardous Waste Management Corporation, annual report tabling, 619
Manitoba Product Stewardship Corporation, annual report tabling, 619
Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development, annual report tabling, 619
Manitoba Tire Stewardship Board, annual report tabling, 619
M�tis hunting rights, Supreme Court decision, 1091-1093
Motor Coach Industries, layoffs, 1183-1187
Nopiming Lodge, concerns over fish stock, 1325-1326
Office of the Fire Commissioner, annual report tabling, 1292
Oral Questions
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, culling strategy, 396
Crown lands, report release, 542
Dominion Tanners, government assistance, 397
Pan Am Clinic, funding for expansion, 1439-1440, 1444, 1483
Provincial Nominee Program, preferential treatment, 542-543, 1300-1301
Red River Floodway expansion
Artificial flooding, compensation for, 1443-1444
Environmental assessment, 1217, 1444
Workplace safety, government initiatives, 1049
Pan Am Clinic expansion, funding for, 1439-1440,
1444, 1483
Pension legislation review, 1182, 1245
Protected Areas Initiative, 1111
Provincial Nominee Program, 1182
Preferential treatment, 542-543, 1189-1194, 1300-1301
Statistics, 1188
Work experience, 1241-1245, 1331-1332
Provincial parks, 1105-1108
Red River Floodway expansion
Artificial flooding, compensation for, 1443-1444
Environmental assessment, 1217, 1328-1329, 1444
Water levels, 1328
Resource Recovery Corporation, annual report tabling, 619
SAFE program, 1181-1182
Sunrise School Division, labour dispute, 1240
Sustainable Development Innovations Fund
Annual report tabling, 1434
Supplementary information tabling (2003-2004), 247
Sustainable Development, Manitoba Round Table for, annual report
tabling, 619
Workers Compensation Board, Pan Am Clinic funding, 1439-1440, 1444
Workplace safety
Government initiatives, 1049
Initiatives, 1181-1182
Assessment departments
Reimer, 1018-1019
Wowchuk, 1018-1019
Board appointments
Chomiak, 271-272
Rowat, 271-272
Governance structure
Chomiak, 280-281
Cummings, 280-281
Performance deliverables
Chomiak, 1406
Gerrard, 1406
Physician recruitment
Chomiak, 1407-1408
Gerrard, 1407-1408
Chomiak, 626, 1357-1362, 1372-1373
Doer, 627
Strategic plan
Gerrard, 1406-1407
Rowat, 1411-1412
Auditor General
An Examination of Le Collège de Saint-Boniface
Hickes, 59
McGifford, 1035-1037
Mitchelson, 1035-1037
Annual Report of the Operations of the Office
Hickes, 59
Report of an Investigation of
Hickes, 59
Auto insurance rates
Provincial comparisons
Brick, 397
Mackintosh, 397
Automobile Injury Compensation Appeal Commission
Advocate's office
Faurschou, 1268-1269
Selinger, 1268-1269
Annual report tabling
Selinger, 1367
Claimant Advisor Office, budget for
Faurschou, 709-710
Selinger, 709-710
Autopac. See Auto insurance rates